Recommended specs for running Antics 3D

April 18, 2008

One of the (many!) advantages of Antics is that it does not require a cutting edge machine to run on, unlike many animation packages. You don’t need a professional graphics card to get going, a reasonably powerful graphics card will allow you to employ anti-aliasing, and may allow you to render images and videos that comply with HD standards.

You may experience graphics related issues with Antics depending on your graphics card, drivers, and the settings you are using. If you are having trouble rendering images and video, or if you are experiencing graphics related errors (that mention display, layout, graphics, video or rendering), please follow the steps below.

Check your machine meets the recommended specs

You will need at least a 128MB video card with support for Open GL 1.4 or later.

For the entire list of minimum system requirements for Antics, click here.
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